Vision, Mission, Quality& Strategic Aims
Manufactures and users increasingly need to be linked by a supply chain that provides ready access to th
-e markets and products on which each depends.
To be the first-choice link between manufacturers and users of high value metal products.
Our aim is to achieve excellence in three areas:
This will be achieved by building a quality service culture where measurable, continuous improvement is a key element of working practice and where all employees believe in the importance of their personal co
Customers Develop long-term relationships with customers.
People Attract, develop and retain high-quality people.
Products Provide quality products that meet customers’ expectations.
Marketing Develop easily recognizable brand value.
Suppliers Create the conditions in which suppliers can excel.
Customer Service Establish and develop a reputation for excellence.
Growth Continuously identify and develop new business opportunities.
Qingdao Horizon Aluminum Co., Ltd.